Featured Churches & Religious Buildings
Portfolio: Structural
For a complete list of Structural Services offered, please see Structural Overview
Spryridon Greek Orthodox Church—Loveland, CO
Shear Engineering Corporation provided foundation and structural engineering services related to an addition to the St. Spryridon Greek Orthodox Church located at 745 E. 5th Street in Loveland, Colorado. The addition was built to connect two different existing structures on the property. This project was unique in the fact that one of the existing structures was built on a crawlspace and the new addition was built with a full basement; special foundation consideration was taken to protect the existing crawlspace foundation from ‘caving in’ due to the adjacent deeper basement excavation. All required construction observations as well as shear wall framing inspections were performed by Shear Engineering Corporation. Addition construction was completed in 2008. |
Trinity United Methodist Church—Loveland, CO
Shear Engineering Corporation provided foundation and structural engineering services related to an addition to the Trinity United Methodist Church located at 801 Cleveland Avenue in Loveland, Colorado. Shear Engineering Corporation was provided with architectural plans and was asked to review the plans in detail and provide any additional recommendations in regards to the foundation and structural framing components. A modified foundation plan and supplemental details were provided by Shear Engineering Corporation to ensure the addition was built to certain standards and code requirements. All required construction observations as well as framing inspections were performed by Shear Engineering Corporation. Addition construction was completed in 2007. |
Orchards Baptist Church—Loveland, CO
Orchards Baptist Church at 1825 West 37th Street in Loveland, Colorado expanded the original 12,868 square foot building with a 9,775 square foot addition. Shear Engineering Corporation provided both civil and structural engineering services. Civil site work included a drainage report considering the existing building, new construction, and the existing 24,835 square foot parking lot. The design of the drainage plan also took into consideration the City of Loveland storm drainage criteria with detention pond improvements. Shear Engineering Corporation issued the final drainage certification. The structural consulting services provided included the foundation and structural plans, analysis of a prefabricated steel frame and steel framed roof system, as well as construction plans for the addition. Other Components involved included:
Snowy Ridge Church—Fort Collins, CO
Snowy Ridge Church, formerly First Free Will Baptist Church, is located west of the intersection of South College Avenue (State Highway 287) and West Trilby Road in Fort Collins, Colorado (320 West Trilby Road). Shear Engineering Corporation provided both civil and structural engineering services, including construction inspections and certifications. The project consisted of the design of a major church addition on approximately 4.36 acres. The original church was a 3,300 square foot structure. The new church addition design is 12,842 square feet. Phase 1 consisted of 6,757 square feet. Civil engineering services included:
Structural engineering services included:
Phase 1 was completed in 2004. |
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4836 South College, Suite 12 | Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 | (970) 226-5334
4836 South College, Suite 12 | Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 | (970) 226-5334