Featured Apartments & Townhomes
Portfolio: Civil
For a complete list of Civil Engineering services offered, please see Civil Overview
Pinnacle Townhomes—Fort Collins, Colorado
Pinnacle Townhomes is located on the south side of East Prospect Road about one-quarter mile west of the intersection Lemay Avenue with East Prospect Road in Fort Collins, Colorado. Shear Engineering Corporation provided the utility plans and drainage study for Pinnacle Townhomes, which consists of 50 hometown units and three single-family homes for a total of 53 units on 6.7 acres. With the development of this project a bus bay was added along East Prospect allowing the Fort Collins Transit safer accessibility to its customers without slowing the high volume of traffic on Prospect Road. Two internal streets designed with this project allow connectivity to the west and east for future developments. With Spring Creek located along the south side of this development, all residential units were flood-proofed from the 100-year floodplain. After Spring Creek jumped its banks in the Fort Collins Flood of July 1997, Pinnacle Townhomes was one of the first subdivisions to be designed under the revised Fort Collins Drainage Criteria standards. Storm water is conveyed to the water quality and detention pond before draining into Spring Creek. The water quality pond allows sediment and other pollutants to settle out that would otherwise be harmful to ecological systems downstream. The detention pond provides pre-development release rates to prevent excessive flooding downstream. |
River Rock Commons at Martinez Park—Fort Collins, Colorado
Martinez Park is located northeast of the intersection between Cherry Street and Howes Street in Fort Collins, Colorado. Shear Engineering provided the utility plans and drainage study for this development. |
Rose Tree Village at Cunningham Corner—Fort Collins, Colorado
Rose Tree Village Apartments is located on the northeast corner of the intersection Shields Street with Horsetooth Road in Fort Collins, Colorado. This site was the final remaining tract of the Cunningham Corner Master Plan to be developed. Shear Engineering Corporation provided the parking lot, private drive, utility, and drainage designs for this 120-unit apartment complex on 6.41 acres. Within the development, there are three 24-plex, two 16-plex, and two 8-plex apartment buildings. Stormwater conveys to the Cunningham Corner Detention Pond through storm sewers and open channels. The detention pond releases runoff at pre-development flows to minimize flooding effects downstream. |
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4836 South College Avenue, Suite 12 | Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 | (970) 226-5334
4836 South College Avenue, Suite 12 | Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 | (970) 226-5334